Missing a Lesson?
As per the Studio Policies:
• If a student will be missing their lesson for any reason, please communicate by TEXT or EMAIL only, with as much notice as possible so that we can organize a video or online lesson (if they are feeling well enough). To guarantee an online lesson at their scheduled time, messages must be received before 12pm on a student's scheduled lesson day. Please do not use Tonara chat or social media messages for cancellation communication, as our teachers see text and emails more quickly.
• Asynchronous video lessons can also be provided as an adequate substitute for missed lessons. They have been very helpful in continuing student learning when a live virtual lesson might not be possible.
• Flex weeks are built into the studio calendar for additional make-up opportunities. A flex week lesson can be used for a past absence or “banked” for a future absence, planned or unplanned. Lessons canceled for teacher illness or any other reason will be made up. Flex week lessons are not automatic or assumed; they must be scheduled. Look for an email a month prior to a flex week for booking instructions.
• In the case of inclement weather, lessons will be done online via Zoom.
Click here for the Studio Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 729 1316 1176
Passcode: 88
As per the Studio Policies:
• If a student will be missing their lesson for any reason, please communicate by TEXT or EMAIL only, with as much notice as possible so that we can organize a video or online lesson (if they are feeling well enough). To guarantee an online lesson at their scheduled time, messages must be received before 12pm on a student's scheduled lesson day. Please do not use Tonara chat or social media messages for cancellation communication, as our teachers see text and emails more quickly.
• Asynchronous video lessons can also be provided as an adequate substitute for missed lessons. They have been very helpful in continuing student learning when a live virtual lesson might not be possible.
• Flex weeks are built into the studio calendar for additional make-up opportunities. A flex week lesson can be used for a past absence or “banked” for a future absence, planned or unplanned. Lessons canceled for teacher illness or any other reason will be made up. Flex week lessons are not automatic or assumed; they must be scheduled. Look for an email a month prior to a flex week for booking instructions.
• In the case of inclement weather, lessons will be done online via Zoom.
Click here for the Studio Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 729 1316 1176
Passcode: 88

Current Illness & COVID Guidelines
We love to share at the studio - but not our germs!
We love to share at the studio - but not our germs!
Current suspected COVID symptoms are very similar to the flu or harsh colds we do not wish to spread anyway. We trust your parental judgement to keep our studio teachers and other students safe. We are happy to do an online lesson at your regularly scheduled lesson time, with enough notice.
We are asking that if a student has more than one of these symptoms (unless you 100% know it is allergies), they should stay home and reach out to their medical provider for direction:
We are asking that if a student has more than one of these symptoms (unless you 100% know it is allergies), they should stay home and reach out to their medical provider for direction:
• Fever (low grade, less than 100 degrees)*
• Nasal congestion
• Sneezing
• Body aches
• Sore throat
• Headache
*Students should have improved symptoms and be fever free for 24 hours before returning to the studio anytime a fever is present.
If a student or teacher tests positive for COVID, we ask that they are not in-studio until all of the following conditions are met:
• at least 5 days post testing
• symptoms significantly improved/resolved
• fever-free (without fever-reducing medicine) for 24 hours
• masked upon return to studio for days 6-10
If these guidelines cannot be followed, individuals will not be permitted in-studio for a full 10 days.
• Nasal congestion
• Sneezing
• Body aches
• Sore throat
• Headache
*Students should have improved symptoms and be fever free for 24 hours before returning to the studio anytime a fever is present.
If a student or teacher tests positive for COVID, we ask that they are not in-studio until all of the following conditions are met:
• at least 5 days post testing
• symptoms significantly improved/resolved
• fever-free (without fever-reducing medicine) for 24 hours
• masked upon return to studio for days 6-10
If these guidelines cannot be followed, individuals will not be permitted in-studio for a full 10 days.

My Music Staff Special Tips & Tricks
On the calendar, you can see lessons, studio closures, flex weeks, special events like recitals, and
other fun events! Note: you must hit this button at the top-left of the calendar to switch between two views.
One view is lessons only. The other view is lessons plus studio-wide events (closures, flex weeks, etc...).
You can also sync the studio calendar to your device using the button on the top-right of the calendar! It will automatically update on your device!
For tuition payment, you can set up auto pay so your tuition is automatically when tuition invoices are sent.
On the calendar, you can see lessons, studio closures, flex weeks, special events like recitals, and
other fun events! Note: you must hit this button at the top-left of the calendar to switch between two views.
One view is lessons only. The other view is lessons plus studio-wide events (closures, flex weeks, etc...).
You can also sync the studio calendar to your device using the button on the top-right of the calendar! It will automatically update on your device!
For tuition payment, you can set up auto pay so your tuition is automatically when tuition invoices are sent.

We use the Tonara app to share student assignments, track student practice, and build community within the studio. You can learn more and find a link to your app store here: tonara.com It is available for students to use on any android or apple tablet or phone and is free with your enrollment in our studio.
There is also a very informational demonstration of the student app - all of the how-tos and benefits for your student found via the button below.
We encourage parents to download the app on their device as well so they will always be in the
know about practice assignments and progress.
Your student's login information is *usually* firstnamelastname (no spaces; no capitals). (In rare circumstances, some of their last name may be cut off or a number added to the end.)
Their given password is: piano
We can reset their password at any time if it was changed and forgotten.
We use the Tonara app to share student assignments, track student practice, and build community within the studio. You can learn more and find a link to your app store here: tonara.com It is available for students to use on any android or apple tablet or phone and is free with your enrollment in our studio.
There is also a very informational demonstration of the student app - all of the how-tos and benefits for your student found via the button below.
We encourage parents to download the app on their device as well so they will always be in the
know about practice assignments and progress.
Your student's login information is *usually* firstnamelastname (no spaces; no capitals). (In rare circumstances, some of their last name may be cut off or a number added to the end.)
Their given password is: piano
We can reset their password at any time if it was changed and forgotten.

Our favorite tools:
• Piano Maestro App for iPad only
• Tempo App for both iPhone and Android
Our favorite piano tuner:
Indy Tuner - Stephen Scharbrough
Be sure to tell him you are from our studio!